Posted by: TWotWoF VIDEO ROW | August 11, 2010

Mark Driscoll Video Sermon: Suffering to Learn w/sermon notes

I posted this video yesterday, it is a small part of this video sermon by Driscoll. I really liked this sermon as Mark gives the best exegesis of 1Peter 3:17-20 I have ever heard. Also something that helped me is that Mark said it is important to determine when your suffering for sin and because of sin. You sometimes suffer for your own sin, but sometimes you suffer because of other sins towards you. That is a good one to remember.

This video would not embed into this post. So you’ll have to GO HERE to see the video that I highly suggest. There is a link on the video page to the sermon notes below.


TEXT: 1 Peter 3:17–22
PREACHER: Pastor Mark Driscoll
DATE: April 5, 2009

“For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil” –1 Peter 3:17


1 Peter 3: 18–20 is, according to Martin Luther, “More obscure than any other passage in the New Testament.” It is one of the most debated passages in the Bible; there are around 180 different interpretations.

  • All Scripture is equally inspired but not all Scripture is equally clear (2 Tim. 3:16 cf. 2 Pet. 3:16).
  • The doctrine of perspicuity: Those verses in the Bible that are unclear should be interpreted in light of the passages that are clear.
  • Lack of clarity in some passages requires us to be humble when approaching them.

Learn from Jesus’ Suffering (1 Peter 3:18a)

  • This is a mysterious passage of Scripture describing Jesus’ suffering; your suffering may be mysterious as well.
  • When you suffer, remember Jesus Christ.
  • Our greatest need is not the absence of suffering but the presence of God.
  • What are you learning about Jesus through suffering?

Learn from Jesus’ Death (1 Peter 3:18b–20)

  • On the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished.” There was nothing else to be done in regard to his work of salvation, therefore it was not necessary for Christ to descend into hell, as some interpreters have said of this passage.
  • On the cross, Jesus said, “Today you will be with me in paradise” (emphasis added), which appears to be further evidence against the idea that Christ descended into hell after his death.
  • “It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). There is no second chance for repentance and faith after death.

Peter recalls Noah’s story in reference to Christian baptism (1 Peter 3:20).

  • The story of Noah (Genesis 6:5–14) is often twisted to say that because Noah was righteous, he received favor from God. The Bible, however, presents the opposite order: God’s favor (“grace”) precedes and enables Noah’s righteousness.
  • Along with his sons, Noah preached righteousness and built the Ark for 120 years. He was constantly mocked and nobody ever responded to his invitation for repentance. Christians suffer likewise in our day, awaiting the fulfillment of God’s promise.

Learn from Jesus’ Resurrection

  • Baptism symbolizes the death, burial, and resurrection Jesus Christ.
  • Baptism is an outward demonstration of inward transformation.
  • Baptism shows a FACT (“the resurrection of Jesus Christ”) and FAITH (“a good conscience”).

Learn from Jesus’ Ascension

Remember who Jesus is, not just who he was. As a Christian…

  • You will die, as Jesus did.
  • Your body will go into the ground but your spirit will live, as Jesus’ did.
  • You will rise from death as Jesus did.
  • You will live in victory over the presence and power of sin with Jesus.

In the meantime…

  • You will suffer as Jesus did.
  • Your suffering will likely be as mysterious as Jesus’ suffering and as confusing as 1 Peter 3.
  • Don’t try and figure it all out.
  • Suffer well in faith like Noah did.
